Sunday, March 2, 2008

T Minus One

I am finally ready to start my Winter adventure. Tomorrow morning I will start my almost-three-week ski trip by driving to Big Sky where I will stay for six nights to ski Big Sky and Moonlight Basin. I am excited. What will it be like? Who will I meet? Will the weather be good? Will I be happy? The prospect of spending a lot of time on the road is something I relish. Something about the space and the time for wool gathering really puts the zap on me. Inevitably, I reach some realizations that lead to big positive changes in my life. I don't know what those will be but I am both curious and anxious to find out.

Most of the trip I will be alone but will be visiting a friend in Park City about half-way through my time on the road. I don't mind being alone, generally finding that I don't get enough solo time unless I deliberately build it into my schedule. I also find that when I am by myself I meet the most interesting people, many of whom end up in my extended network of acquaintances with whom I check in every so often.

Never having been much into photo-taking (photography is far too grandiose a term for what I do with a camera), I plan to over-document this trip and share the pictures with whomever cares to view them. Stay tuned to this spot for commentary on the trip as well.

With the price of gasoline, I am planning to make this a Costco event and have charted out their various locations en route to fill up. Besides, you never know when you might need 96 rolls of toilet paper when you're traveling.

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