Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Power of Endolphins

How come whenever I am stressed out the exact thing I need is the thing I am least willing to do for myself? For instance, this afternoon I was majorly stressing over something. I realized that I had things badly out of perspective and that the best thing for me to do was hit the Precor for 30-40 minutes to work it out of my system. You know, flush all that nasty cortisol out of my system. I am convinced that intense aerobic exercise does something to reduce that, perhaps through the compensating effect of anadamide. So I end up getting myself all worked up for a few hours. All the symptoms. Irritability, tight stomach, shortness of breath, feelings of impending doom, what have you. Finally, I make myself get on the Precor, knock out three miles over 40 minutes or so and I suddenly feel a Buddha-like sense of calm and serenity wash over me. I laugh at my wound up pre-Precor self and wonder why the hell I didn't do this sooner. Lesson learned today? Learned every time this happens to me? Put myself on the Precor or go for a run *now*. It will make the lives of me and all those around me so much happier.

1 comment:

DaveSchappell said...

What are endolphins? A new breed of swimming mammals?

Or, are you maybe referring to endorphins?

And, do they have a side effect of canceling your blog posting efforts?